Tuesday, January 19, 2016

10 Minute Ab Chisel

This 10 minute ab workout is my favorite workout of the whole program. I usually hate ab workouts and complain the whole time, but I actually find this one fun. Now the ab hammer one is a different story. I complain the whole time during that. The first time you do this workout is on day 13 of the masters of hammer and chisel program. 

The Moves

All the moves are 60 seconds!

1. Forearm Plank- Put your forearms on the bench and your feet on the ground. 

2. Seated Rainbows- Sit on the bench in a c-sit position and bring legs from one side to the other while holding them together. 

3. Forearm Cross Plank- Do a forearm plank on the bench and crunch knee up to opposite elbow. 

4. Unicorns- Sit on the bench in a c-sit position on the bench and crunch both legs up. Keep legs as straight as you can. 

5. Bird Dog Crunch- Do a forearm plank on the bench, Raise one hand and the opposite foot then crunch elbow and knee in. alternate sides.

6. C-Sit Scissors- Sit on the bench in a c-sit position holding the bench behind you and alternate raising your legs up. 

7. Side Arm twist (30 secs each side)- Side plank on bench twisting the arm that's not on the bench under you then back to a straight up position. 

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